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About the Next Gen Certificate Inventory

Venafi is excited to give you a preview of our upcoming Certificate Inventory redesign, which we call Next Gen. During the next few months, we'll be migrating features from our existing Certificate Inventory into this new design. It will take a bit of time for us to get there, so if you see that the Next Gen inventory is missing a feature, you can quickly go back to the regular Inventory by going to Inventory > Certificates in the menu (or by clicking the link in the notification at the top of the page).

Until the Next Gen inventory is complete, you will continue to have access to the classic certificate inventory with all its existing functionality.

The Next Gen inventory shows a filterable list of certificates your user account can see. Current functionality includes the following features:

Details "Drawer"

When you click on a certificate, the details drawer slides out from the right side of the screen, showing you the information about the selected certificate, while allowing you to continue seeing the inventory on the left.

When you click on a link in a row, the drawer will navigate to the relevant tab in the drawer.

The drawer is divided into tabbed sections for easier organization of information, so be sure you click on all the tabs to see all the relevant certificate information.

Click the X in the top right corner to close the drawer.

Column menu

When you hover over a column name, a context menu appears to the right (it looks like three stacked dots).

Depending on the column type, you may be able to take one of several actions:

  • Filter by this column. This adds the column name to the filter, so you can find all certificates that match your filter criteria.
  • Sort the visible records by this column.


    This only sorts the certificates that you currently see on the screen, so make sure you filter the list first if it doesn't fit on one screen.

  • Pin a column to the right or left of the screen. This keeps the column always visible when you need to scroll horizontally through large tables.

  • Manage columns or hide this column. Customize your inventory the way you want it by showing the fields you are interested in and hiding the ones you aren't. (Customizing the displayed columns is only temporary, and will be reset when browsing another page.)

Searching and Filtering

You could have a lot of certificates, so we've tried to make it easy to find a specific certificate. Use the Search box to find a particular certificate. You can search for text across multiple columns, including certificate name, Subject DN, Issuer DN, and SANs.

If you are a certificate owner, you might only be interested in your certificates. The My Certificates drop-down lets you toggle between seeing certificates assigned to you, or all certificates you have rights to see. (The All Certificates view is the default view, so be sure to check the My Certificates view, as we think it is useful for most certificate owners.)

The Filters button allows you to create complex queries across multiple columns to help you find exactly those certificates that interest you. The filter query becomes part of the URL, meaning you can bookmark the Next Gen inventory, which will save the current filter settings as part of the bookmark. This allows you to create multiple bookmarks for your most-used filters. It also means you can send the URLs to colleagues so they can use the same filter criteria.

Display settings

The Columns button lets you control which columns are visible. The Density button lets you control how much space appears between rows.


Use the Export button to save the visible data (including column names) as a .csv file.

Coming soon

The ability to take actions on a certificate will be released in the coming months. Until then, go back to the classic certificate inventory to take all actions, including Validate, Download, and more.