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vsatctl install

vsatctl install [flags]

Install a single node Venafi VSatellite cluster


This command must be run with root privileges because it installs system wide executables and configuration files in '/etc' and '/usr/local/bin'. It requires root privileges to start the Venafi VSatellite systemd service. It connects to the VSatellite cluster using credentials from a file which is only accessible to root users.


When using --install-dir, carefully review related hard disk requirements


sudo vsatctl install --pairing-code=cf216fbc-f429-41f1-a64b-f06bb9b4e1be


      --accept-license-agreement   by specifying this flag, you are accepting the Venafi End User License Agreement terms. (
  -h, --help                       help for install
      --install-dir string         specify directory to have all VSatellite install artifacts
      --loglevel string            file logging level (Options are "INFO","ERROR", "WARN", and "DEBUG". Default is  "DEBUG")
      --pairing-code string        pairing code to register with Venafi as a Service
      --region Region              cloud region. Allowed "us" or "eu" (default us)
      --silent                     silent kubernetes installation without displaying event and progress bar (deprecated)
      --timeout-seconds int        the maximum timeout in seconds when waiting for each VSatellite service to be installed (default 180)

See also