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Proxy server considerations

If you plan to use a proxy, review this topic carefully before you install VSatellite.


Note that TLS MITM is not supported as a proxy mechanism.

First, set the following environment variables:

http_proxy / HTTP_PROXY
https_proxy / HTTPS_PROXY
no_proxy / NO_PROXY


We suggest you use lowercase http_proxy rather than uppercase (HTTP_PROXY).

So before you install VSatellite, set these environment variables:

  • export https_proxy=IP_OF_ PROXY_SERVER:PROXY_SERVER_PORT
  • (Optional) export no_proxy=localhost,,,,,
    • Modify IP ranges, as needed.
    • no_proxy is a comma- or space-separated list of computer or domain names, with an optional :port. If you don't include :port, then it applies to all ports on that domain.


If you see a refused connection error while downloading VSatellite artifacts, make sure that you've not used mixed cases, such as specifying uppercase HTTP_PROXY (or HTTPS_PROXY) with a lowercase http_proxy (or https_proxy).

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