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Networking connections (United Kingdom)

VSatellite requires connectivity with specific endpoints and ports over HTTPS when running the VSatellite install.


Required endpoints


Verifying connectivity to required endpoints

To quickly verify connectivity to the required endpoints, you could use the cURL utility to request headers from each base URL. For example:

curl -I
curl -I

If your connection is successful, you'll get a 404 error, which confirms that you did connect to the endpoints successfully. This is a rare case in which a 404 error actually means success.

If you don't have cURL, you can install it on Ubuntu using apt-get install curl or on RHEL using yum install curl.

Local server firewall configuration for VSatellite

Certain network ports must be open for VSatellites to function correctly. This is particularly important for enterprise environments where disabling the firewall (firewalld) is not a viable option.

Necessary ports

Ensure the following TCP ports are open on the server firewall where VSatellite is running:

  • 6443: Used by all nodes for communication with the K3s API server
  • 10250: Needed for K3s metrics server functionality and to perform other important functions

These ports facilitate various functionalities essential for VSatellite.

Configuring firewalld

To open the required ports, use the firewall-cmd command. Here are the commands for the necessary TCP and UDP ports:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6443/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10250/tcp

After adding the ports, reload the firewall to apply the changes:

firewall-cmd --reload

Changing the default VSatellite (10.x.x.x) network CIDR range

To override the default VSatellite network CIDR ranges, you can set the following environment variables before installing VSatellite.

We recommend using these settings if you are installing VSatellite on the 10.x.x.x network. For example:

export VSATELLITE_CLUSTER_CIDR=  (default:
export VSATELLITE_SERVICE_CIDR=  (default:

Use CIDR ranges that do not conflict with any of your internal networks.