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Viewing certificate validation status

The TLS Server Endpoints page in TLS Protect Cloud shows the validation status for each certificate.

  1. Sign in to Venafi Control Plane.
  2. Click Inventory > TLS Server Endpoints.

    The TLS server endpoints table has a TLS Validation column and a Chain Validation column that shows the validation status for each certificate. - To search for a specific certificate, enter the certificate details in the search bar at the top.

    • To filter the list table, click Filter next to the search bar. In the TLS Validation and Chain Validation boxes, select the states that you want to include in the filter, and then click Apply.

Machine Identity Digest email

Enabling the Machine Identity Digest email will send you a periodic email where you can view if validation has failed on any certificates. This is a quick and easy way to see if anything needs your attention. If so, then you can sign in to TLS Protect Cloud to further troubleshoot and take corrective action.

What's next?

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