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Installing Venafi Connection

You install Venafi Connection automatically when you install either Approver Policy Enterprise or Venafi Enhanced Issuer using a Helm chart.

Since both charts install Venafi Connection by default, a conflict will occur if both charts are installed into the same cluster. This can be avoided by setting venafiConnection.include to false for one of the charts.

If you use the Venafi Kubernetes Manifest feature of the Venafi CLI tool venctl to install Approver Policy Enterprise or Venafi Enhanced Issuer, installation of Venafi Connection happens automatically without needing to request it separately.

How to install Venafi Connection using the Venafi CLI tool

To install the default version of Venafi Connection using the Venafi CLI tool:

  1. Download and install the Venafi CLI tool, if you haven't already done so.
  2. Initialize the Venafi Kubernetes Manifest tool.

    venctl components kubernetes manifest tool init

    For more information on this command and its associated flags, see the venctl reference page.

  3. Use one of the following commands to install the default version of Venafi Connection along with Approver Policy Enterprise or Venafi Enhanced Issuer:

    # To install Venafi Connection along with Venafi Enhanced Issuer
    venctl components kubernetes manifest generate --venafi-enhanced-issuer
    # To install Venafi Connection along with Approver Policy Enterprise
    venctl components kubernetes manifest generate --approver-policy-enterprise
    # To install Venafi Connection along with Venafi Enhanced Issuer and Approver Policy Enterprise
    venctl components kubernetes manifest generate --venafi-enhanced-issuer --approver-policy-enterprise

    For more information on the venctl components kubernetes manifest generate command and its associated flags, see the venctl reference page.


    To find out the current default version of Venafi Connection (and all the Venafi Kubernetes components you can install with venctl), use the venctl components kubernetes manifest print-versions command.


You can also use the venctl components kubernetes apply command to install this component on a Kubernetes cluster quickly and easily for test purposes. Note that this command is not recommended for use in production environments.

See venctl components kubernetes apply for more information on how to use the command with this component.