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Venafi Connection releases

Learn about current and past releases of Venafi Connection. ​

Latest release

​ The latest stable version of Venafi Connection is v0.1.0.


  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.1.0

​ Venafi Connection v0.1.0 was released on May 15, 2024.

Key features

  • Venafi Connection component now simplifies authentication for Venafi Enhanced Issuer and other components by supporting the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard when authenticating to Venafi Control Plane. This eliminates the need for long-lived credentials, improving security and manageability.
  • Venafi Control Plane and TLS Protect Datacenter URLs in the token steps now default to the URL defined in the parent section.
  • The spec.vaas API field is deprecated in favor of spec.vcp. The spec.vaas field, however, is still supported for backwards compatibility.
  • Certificate retrieval efficiency has been improved.
  • Error messages have been updated and improved.
  • Fixes were included for issues with policy parsing and duration requesting.
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.0.20

​ Venafi Connection v0.0.20 was released on March 26, 2024.

Key features

  • The VenafiConnection.spec.allowReferencesFrom API field permitting cross-namespace references is no longer an experimental feature in Venafi Connection. For more information, see VenafiConnection.spec.
  • Key dependencies were also upgraded in this release.
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.0.19

​ Venafi Connection v0.0.19 was released on February 22, 2024.

Key features

  • When using kubectl, you can now use the short name vc instead of the long name venaficonnection. Example: kubectl get vc.
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.0.18

​ Venafi Connection v0.0.18 was released on January 23, 2024.

Key features

  • Key dependencies were upgraded in this release.
  • A venaficonnection_status metric was added.
  • Metrics were updated with new 'host' and 'path' labels.
  • An unused clientid option in the API was removed.
  • Helm Chart: oci://