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Istio CSR releases

Istio CSR integrates cert-manager into Istio, allowing you to issue workload certificates using the power of cert-manager.

Learn about current and past releases of Istio CSR.

Latest release

The latest stable release of Istio CSR is v0.8.1.


  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.8.1

​ Istio CSR v0.8.1 was released on February 6, 2024.

Key features

  • Release 0.8.1 adds the ability to provide additional DNS names to a istiod certificate.
  • This release also sees updates to component libraries and minor bug fixes.


This release of Istio CSR changes how containers are built, which in turn changes the path at which the binary can be found inside the container. This means that new container images can't be used with older Helm charts, or with any software which expects the old path.

  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://