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CSI driver releases

CSI driver enables issuing secretless X.509 certificates for pods using cert-manager.

Learn about current and past releases of CSI driver.

Latest release

​ The latest stable version of CSI driver is v0.8.0.


  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.8.0

CSI Driver v0.8.0 was released on 28 March 2024.

CSI Driver v0.8.0 includes a few improvements and upgrades to the Helm chart, making it easier to install and manage the CSI driver. Notably, this release uses the v1 API for CSIDriver in all cases, simplifying the deployment process. This version also includes enhancements that allow passing volumeAttributes to the CertificateRequest resource, improving its functionality. Additionally, the csi-driver DaemonSet now includes the default-container annotation for easier log access.

This key update not only broadens the driver’s versatility but also uniquely enables the integration with Firefly, a high-performance service for issuing machine identities.

Key features

  • Use of CSIDriver v1 API: Unconditional use of CSIDriver v1 API, simplifying support for Kubernetes versions newer than v1.18 by removing conditional logic for older versions. This improves the experience when using helm template or venctl components kubernetes manifest tool template with CSI Driver.
  • Enhanced volumeAttributes Support: This release introduces the ability to pass non-driver volumeAttributes to the created CertificateRequest, opening up new potential uses.
  • CRD management options: Introduction of crds.enabled and crds.keep options in the Helm chart for better CRD management.
  • DaemonSet logging improvements: DaemonSet includes the default-container annotation, streamlining debugging with kubectl logs.
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.7.1

CSI Driver v0.7.1 was released on 8 February 2024.

Key features

  • This release updates the Chart.yaml properties and makes minor updates to the README file.
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://

Release v0.7.0

CSI Driver v0.7.0 was released on January 30, 2024.

Key features

  • This release includes a set of small improvements, dependence version updates and bug fixes.
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Docker Image:
  • Helm Chart: oci://
  • Helm Chart: oci://