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Run an Enhanced Discovery immediately

Understanding the need for flexibility and efficiency, the Discover Now feature enables you to initiate an on-demand enhanced discovery, eliminating the need to use scheduled discoveries when you need to run a discovery right now.

This capability ensures you can immediately kick off a discovery with the simple click of a button, providing fast results for the machines in your Enhanced Discovery's Targets list.


  • Either create an Enhanced Discovery service, or have one already defined.
  • Make sure you have have either the PKI Administrator or Platform Administrator role, which are required for access to Discover Now.
  • Take note of the number of certificates already associated with your discovery service. You can find that detail just below the title of your Enhanced Discovery.

    Certificates associated with your discovery service


To run an enhanced discovery immediately

  1. Sign in to Venafi Control Plane.
  2. Click Configurations > Discovery Services.

  3. Select the enhanced discovery service you want to run, and then click Discover Now.

You should see a confirmation message that the service has been started. Clicking Discover Now again before the discovery completes simply cancels the first job and starts a new one.

If certificates are discovered, you should see the number of certificates associated with your discovery service increase.


You must refresh the page to see updates.

What's next

Make sure you run a validation on your newly discovered certificates by either scheduling one or performing one manually.