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About Applications

Applications allow you to group certificates based on rules you define. They also allow you to request certificates using the application's settings, helping you to ensure consistency. Additionally, when certificates are discovered, they can be automatically assigned to an application, which are used for things like certificate renewals.

Access the Applications Inventory by clicking Applications on the menu bar.

Here you can see a list of all defined applications and their owners. You can see what certificates are associated with each application, as well as the TLS Server Endpoints associated with each application.

On the Applications Inventory you can do the following:

  • Create a new application. Click the New button to define a new application. You'll see the new application wizard.

  • Search for applications if you can't readily see the one you're looking for in your list.

  • Filter the applications list. Use the Filters link to create very specific filters to show a subset of applications.

    Click the All Applications link to see some pre-defined filters, including just applications where you are the owner.

  • Bulk Actions. Use the checkboxes to select multiple applications. This allows you to delete multiple applications at once.

  • Application details. Click an application name to view and modify the details of that application.

  • Quick Actions. Click the "hamburger menu" for a certificate to see a context menu that lets you take the following quick actions for that application:

    • Request Certificates using this application.
    • Invite someone (temporarily) to enroll and become a Resource Owner and owner of the application.
    • Delete the certificate.
  • View linked certificates. To see the certificates linked to any application, click the link in the Certificates column. You'll go to the Certificates Inventory with a pre-defined filter that shows just the certificates tied to this application.

  • View TLS server endpoints. To see the TLS server endpoints linked to any application, click the link in the TLS Server Endpoints column. You'll go to the TLS Server Endpoints inventory with a pre-defined filter that just shows the endpoints tied to this application.

What's Next?

If you don't have any applications, start by creating a new one.

If you have applications, you can edit one, or you can issue new certificate requests using this application.