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Using VCert to request certificates

VCert is a command line utility designed to generate keys and simplify certificate acquisition by eliminating the need to write code to interact with the REST API.

VCert is most applicable to DevOps applications that need to obtain certificates for virtual machines, containers, and/or applications as it spins them up, and it is available in 32- and 64-bit versions for Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

VCert performs key generation locally, which is helpful in cases where you need to limit private key access

If you're using APIs when you work with TLS Protect Cloud, the VCert utility can be used to request a certificate. The utility can be used to register for a new API user account and to request a certificate.

  • To register a new user, launch the VCert utility with the ‘register’ command.

    • You will be prompted to supply an email address.

Once the account is created, TLS Protect Cloud sends an email to the registered user to confirm activation of the account. The activation email contains links to activate the registered user account.

  • Click the first link in the email to activate the account.

    • The API key for the user account is displayed at the bottom of the licensing and registration email.

To request a certificate using VCert

Use your DevOps toolkit to request certificates