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Integrating Firefly with OpenShift Service Mesh

These instruction show to use a Firefly Sub CA to sign the mTLS certificates of OpenShift Service Mesh. The advantages of this setup are:

  • Your PKI team will be able to see how many certificates have been created for the mesh.
  • Your PKI team will be able enforce policies for the mesh certificates.
  • Your platform will be using the PKI of your organization, rather than shadow PKI which OpenShift Service Mesh uses by default.


This solution is for experienced users and there are several things that you should bear in mind with this set-up:

  1. Complexity - There five components (istio-proxy, istiod, Istio CSR, cert-manager, Firefly) involved in the signing of every service mesh workload certificate. If something goes wrong, your platform team must know how to diagnose problems in each of these components.
  2. Fragility - Each of the five components is a single point of failure. If any component stops working, then the workload will fail to start.
  3. Performance bottlenecks - If any of the five components is overwhelmed or under resourced, then there will be delays creating the workload certificates.

If you are willing to accept these trade-offs, please read on.


A Red Hat OpenShift v4 cluster.


This tutorial has been verified on a single node CRC based cluster using 8 CPUS, 32GiB RAM, 200GiB Disk, with monitoring systems disabled. The following versions were used:

  • CRC: v2.44.0
  • OpenShift: v4.17.3
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: v2.6.5-0
  • Venafi Control Plane Operator: v1.5.0

The Red Hat OpenShift documentation contains a separate guide about integrating Service Mesh with cert-manager and Istio CSR, which you should read, but if you have already followed that process, you should uninstall cert-manager and Istio CSR before continuing this tutorial, as these instructions are designed to work seamlessly with the Venafi distributions of those software packages.

Step 1: Create projects (namespaces)

First, create the two projects (namespaces) used in this tutorial.

oc create namespace venafi
oc create namespace istio-system


You must create the istio-system namespace before installing Istio CSR. Without it, Istio CSR will fail to install, and the Venafi Control Plane Operator will hang.

If you have previously deployed Istio and later deleted it, some resources may have been left behind in the istio-system namespace, which may interfere with Istio CSR. In particular, you should delete the following Secret resources which may contain stale CA certificates:

  • cacerts
  • istio-ca-secret

You can see the priority of loading of CA certificates in the istio-operator webhook CA source code.

Step 2: Install OperatorHub Operators

Install the following operators from the OperatorHub dashboard in the OpenShift web console:

  1. Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh: This operator will allow you to install a service mesh later in this tutorial. It installs the Operator and CRDs required to create a service mesh. Multiple service meshes can be run within a single OpenShift cluster. Read the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh 2.x installation documentation to learn more.

  2. Venafi Control Plane Operator: Install this operator in the venafi project (namespace). Choose the option to create a venafi project (namespace) if it does not already exist.

This operator will allow you to install cert-manager, Istio CSR, and Firefly components of Venafi TLSPK. Read the Venafi Control Plane Operator installation page to learn more.

Step 3: Prepare the Firefly service account, Firefly policy and Firefly configuration

  1. Create a Firefly service account in Venafi Control Plane. Save the private key and the client ID as you will need both later.
  2. Create a Firefly Policy to use when issuing certificates in Venafi Control Plane.
  3. Create a Firefly configuration to map the policy to the service account in Venafi Control Plane.


Read Firefly path to success; a road map to help you get started with Firefly.

Step 4: Create a service account private key secret

Before Firefly can be installed, a Secret resource containing the Venafi Control Plane service account private key must be created:

export FIREFLY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=path/to/firefly-private.key
oc create secret generic venafi-credentials \
  --namespace venafi \


This private key is used by Firefly to authenticate to the Venafi Control Plane, from where it downloads its configuration, and to where it uploads signing metrics.

Step 5: Create an image pull secret

  1. Next, Create a new Venafi Registry service account. This is required to pull Helm charts and Docker images from the Venafi private OCI registries.

  2. Apply the image pull secret to the venafi namespace (copy and paste the exact command from the "Add a New Service Account" (Settings > Service Accounts > New) page of the Venafi Control Plane):

    oc create namespace venafi
    oc apply --namespace=venafi -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: venafi-image-pull-secret
      .dockerconfigjson: YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PULL_SECRET


This command will contain a unique Docker pull secret that will be used by Venafi Control Plane Operator to pull Helm charts from the Venafi Enterprise registry, and which will then be used by Kubernetes to pull Docker images from the same registry.

Step 6: Publish the Firefly root CA certificate to your cluster

Istio requires a special ConfigMap resource in each namespace, containing the root CA that signed the istiod serving certificate. The Istio sidecars use this to verify the serving certificate when they connect to istiod to request workload certificates. Istio CSR will take care of creating these ConfigMap resources for you, but you must tell it which CA certificate to use. In this tutorial, Istio CSR will be using a gRPC serving certificate that has been signed by Firefly, so we need to download the Firefly root certificate, put it in a Secret in the cluster, and then tell Istio CSR to mount that Secret and use the CA certificate contained within it.

To download the Firefly root certificate from the Venafi Control Plane:

  1. Click Configurations > Firefly Configurations.
  2. Click the link in the Sub CA Provider column of the "Firefly Configurations" page.
  3. Click the link in the CA Account column of the "Firefly Sub CA Providers" page.
  4. Click Download chain > Root certificate first.

Copy the root CA certificate into a Secret resource in the venafi project (namespace) of your OpenShift cluster:

oc create secret generic firefly-root-ca \
    --namespace=venafi \


The certificate may contain a chain of certificates which include the root, but that's OK. The istio-proxy is able to extract the self signed root from the chain to verify the serving certificate of istiod.

Step 7: Install cert-manager, Istio CSR and Firefly

  1. Create a manifest venafi-components.yaml to configure the installation of cert-manager, Istio CSR, and Firefly. You can use one of the samples below:

    kind: VenafiInstall
      name: venafi-components
        enableDefaultApprover: true # (1)!
        imagePullSecretNames: [venafi-image-pull-secret]
        namespace: venafi
        vcpRegion: US
        region: US
        install: true
        install: true
        acceptTOS: true
        install: true
        trustDomain: cluster.local # (3)!
        runtimeConfigMapName: istio-csr-ca # (4)!
              preserveCertificateRequests: true
              - name:
                value: ${FIREFLY_POLICY_NAME}
              configmapNamespaceSelector: ""
              namespace: istio-system
              revisions: ["basic"]
              rootCAFile: /firefly-root-ca/ca.crt
            - name: firefly-root-ca
              mountPath: /firefly-root-ca
            - name: firefly-root-ca
                secretName: firefly-root-ca
    1. Istio CSR works best with the cert-manager default approver.
    2. Replace with the client ID of the Firefly service account.
    3. Provide the name of the Istio trust domain.
    4. This is the default name of the ConfigMap from which Istio CSR loads runtime configuration. You will create this ConfigMap in the next steps, in the venafi namespace, where Istio CSR is deployed.

    Regional registries

    The example above uses the Venafi US registry parameters. If you want to use a different Venafi registry replace vcpRegion: US and region: US with the relevant regional repository value:

    • EU registry

          vcpRegion: EU
          region: EU

    • UK registry

          vcpRegion: UK
          region: UK

    • Australian registry

          vcpRegion: AU
          region: AU

    For more information on Venafi OCI registries, see Configuring access to a Venafi OCI Registry.

    kind: VenafiInstall
      name: venafi-components
        enableDefaultApprover: true # (1)!
        imagePullSecretNames: [venafi-image-pull-secret]
        namespace: venafi
        install: true
        install: true
        acceptTOS: true
        install: true
        trustDomain: cluster.local # (3)!
        runtimeConfigMapName: istio-csr-ca # (4)!
              preserveCertificateRequests: true
              - name:
                value: ${FIREFLY_POLICY_NAME}
              configmapNamespaceSelector: ""
              namespace: istio-system
              revisions: ["basic"]
              rootCAFile: /firefly-root-ca/ca.crt
            - name: firefly-root-ca
              mountPath: /firefly-root-ca
            - name: firefly-root-ca
                secretName: firefly-root-ca
    1. Istio CSR works best with the cert-manager default approver.
    2. Replace with the client ID of the Firefly service account.
    3. Provide the name of the Istio trust domain.
    4. This is the default name of the ConfigMap from which Istio CSR loads runtime configuration. You will create this ConfigMap in the next steps, in the venafi namespace, where Istio CSR is deployed.


    Use the trustDomain field to specify the Istio trust domain.


    For a complete list of Venafi Control Plane Operator configuration parameters, see the Venafi Control Plane Operator API reference page.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    oc apply -f <(envsubst < venafi-components.yaml)


    We use envsubst to substitute some Firefly configuration in the YAML template. Alternatively, you could edit the YAML directly and then apply it.

  3. Monitor the progress of the installation.

    You can monitor the actions that are being performed by the Venafi Control Plane Operator, as follows:

    oc describe VenafiInstall -namespace venafi
    oc logs deploy/vcp-operator --follow --namespace venafi
    oc get events --watch --namespace venafi

Step 8: Verify the installation

  1. Verify whether cert-manager, Istio CSR and Firefly are successfully installed by running the following command:

    oc get venafiinstall,pods --namespace venafi

    Sample output:

    NAME                                                   STATUS   LAST SYNC   Synced   103s
    NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/cert-manager-bf4fdfdbb-cvnqb               1/1     Running   0          4m13s
    pod/cert-manager-cainjector-57b7b6f978-mtw5n   1/1     Running   0          4m13s
    pod/cert-manager-istio-csr-b446698f7-xtl59     1/1     Running   0          118s
    pod/cert-manager-webhook-857699b5bc-9fmdj      1/1     Running   0          4m13s
    pod/firefly-588458dcbd-pb7r6                   1/1     Running   0          119s
    pod/firefly-588458dcbd-xxw4n                   1/1     Running   0          119s
    pod/vcp-operator-5f5854b74c-wqs6q              1/1     Running   0          137m


There is a known issue in Firefly where its readiness checks fail after a time.

Step 9: Create an Istio CSR "runtime configuration"

Istio CSR need some more "runtime configuration" to know what issuerRef to use for the Certificate and CertificateRequests that it generates..

  1. Create the following ConfigMap:

    # The runtime configuration ConfigMap that tells Istio CSR which issuer to use.
    # This is installed in the **venafi** namespace.
    # The name must match the name given in the VenafiInstall resource earlier.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: istio-csr-ca
      namespace: venafi
      issuer-name: firefly
      issuer-kind: Issuer
  2. Apply the manifest by running the following command:

    oc apply -f istio-ca.yaml

    After you apply the ConfigMap, Istio CSR will create a cert-manager Certificate referencing the Firefly issuer, which cert-manager will reconcile and place the resulting leaf certificate in a Secret called istiod-tls. istiod in the istio-system namespace will use that signed certificate for its gRPC server.

  3. Monitor the Istio CSR controller:

    If you want to understand what actions are being performed by Istio CSR, you can monitor its logs, as follows:

    oc logs deploy/cert-manager-istio-csr --follow --namespace venafi
  4. Verify that the CA certificate has been created:

    oc -n istio-system get cert-manager,configmap,secret

    Sample output:

    NAME                                                  APPROVED   DENIED   READY   ISSUER    REQUESTER                                   AGE   True                True    firefly   system:serviceaccount:venafi:cert-manager   3m20s
    NAME                                         READY   SECRET       AGE   True    istiod-tls   3m21s
    NAME                                 DATA   AGE
    configmap/kube-root-ca.crt           1      15m
    configmap/openshift-service-ca.crt   1      15m
    NAME                              TYPE                      DATA   AGE
    secret/builder-dockercfg-cgfvn   1      15m
    secret/default-dockercfg-h5x89   1      15m
    secret/deployer-dockercfg-r9t4q   1      15m
    secret/istiod-tls                2      3m20s
  5. Examine the resulting istiod-tls certificate.

    The resulting istiod serving certificate should have been signed by your Firefly Sub CA. You can check this using the following command:

    oc get secret istiod-tls -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' \
    | base64 -d  \
    | openssl x509 -noout -text
            Version: 3 (0x2)
            Serial Number:
            Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            Issuer: C = GB, ST = England, L = Bristol, O = Venafi, OU = Team cert-manager, CN = firefly-1-20241217171011 firefly-richardw-1
                Not Before: Dec 17 17:18:49 2024 GMT
                Not After : Mar 17 17:18:49 2025 GMT
            Subject: CN = istiod.istio-system.svc
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:istiod-basic.istio-system.svc, URI:spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istiod-service-account

    The certificate should also have a DNS name for an Istio revision named basic. The revision name basic represents the name of the ServiceMeshControlPlane (SCMP) which you will deploy in the next step.


    If you have previously deployed Istio and later deleted it, some resources may have been left behind in the istio-system namespace, which may interfere with Istio CSR. In particular, you should delete the following Secret resources which may contain stale CA certificates:

    • cacerts
    • istio-ca-secret

    You can see the priority of loading of CA certificates in the istio-operator webhook CA source code.


    Read 2.3.4. Upgrading the control plane in the OpenShift documentation which has this to say about the use of revision for supporting multiple service meshes in a cluster,rather than for supporting canary upgrades:

    Although you can deploy multiple versions of the control plane in the same cluster, Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh does not support canary upgrades of the service mesh. That is, you can have different SCMP resources with different values for spec.version, but they cannot be managing the same mesh.

Step 10: Deploy the Service Mesh Control Plane

The ServiceMeshControlPlane object creates an istiod control plane, you use this to configure your service-mesh to use cert-manager Istio CSR to sign certificates.

  1. Create a ServiceMeshControlPlane

    kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane
      name: basic
      namespace: istio-system
      version: v2.6
          enabled: false
          enabled: false
          enabled: false
        enabled: false
            address: cert-manager-istio-csr.venafi.svc:443
          type: cert-manager
          mtls: true
          type: ThirdParty
        type: None
    kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
      name: default
      namespace: istio-system
      - test-project-1
    oc apply -f istio-installation.yaml


    If you have previously deployed Istio and later deleted it, some resources may have been left behind in the istio-system namespace, which may interfere with Istio CSR. In particular, you should delete the following Secret resources which may contain stale CA certificates:

    • cacerts
    • istio-ca-secret

    You can see the priority of loading of CA certificates in the istio-operator webhook CA source code.


    We disabled all addons and gateways, to reduce the resource requirements for the Istio control plane, which allows us to verify this tutorial on a single node CRC (Code Ready Containers) cluster. In production, you may want to enable the add-ons and gateways.


    The ServiceMeshMemberRoll contains a reference to the test-project-1 project (namespace) which we will create in the next step. This ensures that the istio-system label will be added to the namespace when we create it.

Step 11: Verify mTLS

  1. First, create a new project to deploy some sample applications:

    oc new-project test-project-1
  2. Verify that the namespace has been labelled.

    The ServiceMeshMemberRoll which we created in the previous step, contains a reference to the test-project-1 project (namespace) which tells the OpenShift Service Mesh Operator to add the istio-system label to the namespace. You can see this by using the following command:

    oc get ns test-project-1 -o yaml
  3. Verify that the Istio CA has been added to the namespace.

    The presence of the istio-system label on the namespace, tells Istio CSR to create an istio-ca-root-cert ConfigMap in the namespace. You can see this as follows:

    oc get cm istio-ca-root-cert -o yaml --namespace test-project-1

    If you're following the Istio CSR logs, you'll also see a message like this:

    I1219 14:18:44.090159       1 configmap.go:188] "creating configmap with root CA data" logger="controller.configmap" namespace="test-project-1" configmap="istio-ca-root-cert"
  4. Deploy a sample server and a sample client:

    oc apply -n test-project-1 -f
    oc apply -n test-project-1 -f
  5. Verify that the server is using a Firefly issued certificate.

    In these examples, we exec into the Istio side-car container of the sleep Pod, and run the openssl tool to examine the TLS connection to the httpbin server:

    oc exec deploy/sleep -n test-project-1 -c istio-proxy \
    -- openssl s_client -CAfile /var/run/secrets/istio/root-cert.pem httpbin:8000
    oc exec deploy/sleep -n test-project-1 -c istio-proxy \
    -- openssl s_client -CAfile /var/run/secrets/istio/root-cert.pem  httpbin:8000 \
    | openssl x509 -noout -text

    You should see the details of the serving certificate returned by the istio-proxy of the httpbin server, and you should see that it has been signed by our Firefly Sub CA. Here's an example of the output:

    Certificate chain
     0 s:O =
       i:C = GB, ST = England, L = Bristol, O = Venafi, OU = Team cert-manager, CN = firefly-1-20241219114107 firefly-richardw-1
       a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
       v:NotBefore: Dec 19 15:40:34 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Mar 19 15:40:34 2025 GMT
     1 s:C = GB, ST = England, L = Bristol, O = Venafi, OU = Team cert-manager, CN = firefly-1-20241219114107 firefly-richardw-1
       i:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In Intermediate CA - G1
       a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
       v:NotBefore: Dec 19 11:40:46 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Mar 19 11:41:16 2025 GMT
     2 s:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In Intermediate CA - G1
       i:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In CA
       a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
       v:NotBefore: Jul 21 21:34:37 2023 GMT; NotAfter: Jul 19 21:35:07 2028 GMT
     3 s:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In CA
       i:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In CA
       a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
       v:NotBefore: Jul 21 21:34:36 2023 GMT; NotAfter: Jul 18 21:35:06 2033 GMT
     4 s:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In Intermediate CA - G1
       i:C = US, O = "Venafi, Inc.", OU = Built-in, CN = Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In CA
       a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
       v:NotBefore: Jul 21 21:34:37 2023 GMT; NotAfter: Jul 19 21:35:07 2028 GMT