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Example: Searching for expiring certificates

You can search for certificates that require renewal because they are nearing expiration or have recently expired.

To search for expiring certificates

  1. If you have not already done so, obtain an API key.

  2. Use the certificatesearch function and the appropriate JSON body (next step). For example:

  3. Determine the ISO 8601 format for the past and future dates that represent the start and end of your renewal window, for example 10 days ago and 60 days from today, respectively.

  4. In the JSON body, use the GTE (greater than or equal) relational operator with the past date value and the LTE (less than or equal) relational operator with the future date value to select all certificates that either have expired recently or will be expiring soon. For additional help, use the parameter descriptions from Dev Central. For example:

    Example JSON body

        "expression": {
            "operator": "AND",
            "operands": [
                    "field": "validityEnd",
                    "operator": "GTE",
                    "value": "2021-05-14T00:00:00"
                    "field": "validityEnd",
                    "operator": "LTE",
                    "value": "2021-07-23T23:59:59"
        "ordering": {
            "orders": [
                    "direction": "ASC",
                    "field": "validityEnd"
        "paging": {
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "pageSize": 50
    Example response
    HTTP 200 OK
        "count": 50,
        "certificates": [
                "id": "b3184db0-bce1-11eb-8ea7-472b6688a8bb",
                "companyId": "11447611-28f5-11eb-b879-87373a818312",
                "managedCertificateId": "b2fd2490-bce1-11eb-b3a1-9f54ccc85904",
                "certificateRequestId": "b30736b0-bce1-11eb-9af9-c947417e28d0",
                "certificateAuthorityAccountId": "11a0c6e0-28f5-11eb-999a-4d91b3bd6de9",
                "fingerprint": "075C43428E70BCF941039F54B8ED78DE4FACA87F",
                "issuerCertificateIds": [
                "certificateStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "modificationDate": "2021-05-24T22:45:12.394+0000",
                "validityStart": "2021-05-24T22:44:42.000+0000",
                "validityEnd": "2021-05-31T22:45:12.000+0000",
                "selfSigned": false,
                "signatureAlgorithm": "SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION",
                "signatureHashAlgorithm": "SHA256",
                "encryptionType": "RSA",
                "keyStrength": 2048,
                "subjectKeyIdentifierHash": "D51916E977DB56626F20C34DFF3D96F0BB23171D",
                "authorityKeyIdentifierHash": "68EA758729B4EFB3DC774BCC3664E78AAA53A4DD",
                "serialNumber": "1D973198F94A701F36C733EBD71788C8694E0418",
                "subjectDN": ",ou=Documentation,o=Venafi, Inc.,c=US,st=Utah,l=Salt Lake City",
                "subjectCN": [
                "subjectOU": [
                "subjectST": "Utah",
                "subjectL": "Salt Lake City",
                "subjectC": "US",
                "subjectAlternativeNamesByType": {
                    "otherName": [],
                    "rfc822Name": [],
                    "dNSName": [
                    "x400Address": [],
                    "directoryName": [],
                    "ediPartyName": [],
                    "uniformResourceIdentifier": [],
                    "iPAddress": [],
                    "registeredID": []
                "subjectAlternativeNameDns": [
                "issuerDN": "cn=Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In Intermediate CA - G1,ou=Built-in,o=Venafi, Inc.,c=US",
                "issuerCN": [
                    "Dedicated - Venafi Cloud Built-In Intermediate CA - G1"
                "issuerOU": [
                "issuerC": "US",
                "keyUsage": [
                "extendedKeyUsage": [
                "ocspNoCheck": false,
                "versionType": "CURRENT",
                "totalInstanceCount": 1,
                "totalActiveInstanceCount": 0,
                "instances": [
                        "certificateInstanceId": "b3195f20-bce1-11eb-8ea7-472b6688a8bb",
                        "certificateId": "b3184db0-bce1-11eb-8ea7-472b6688a8bb",
                        "certificateSource": "USER_PROVIDED",
                        "ipAddress": "",
                        "hostname": " ",
                        "port": -1,
                        "instanceChainValidationStatus": [],
                        "modificationDate": "2021-05-24T22:45:12.394+0000",
                        "applicationIds": [
                        "deploymentStatus": "SUPERSEDED"
                "id": "a5a78090-578f-11eb-9d75-359fbd0eee70",
                "id": "e7085e70-578e-11eb-b60e-5776407499cc",