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Importing a certificate via API

The certificates function imports a certificate into the TLS Protect Cloud inventory, optionally assigning it to one or more applications (recommended).

To import a certificate

  1. If you have not already done so, obtain an API key.

  2. Remove the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- header, -----END CERTIFICATE----- footer, and all line breaks from the certificate PEM text.

  3. Use the certificates function to import one or more certificates. For additional help, use the parameter descriptions from Dev Central. For example:


  4. In the JSON body, insert the modified PEM text and applicationId values, as appropriate. For example:

        "certificates": [
                "certificate": "MIIEKDCCAxCgAwIBAgIUG3HJ035+GV3SOlO5IcbFtmggl/YwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL...",
                "applicationIds": [
                "apiClientInformation": {
                    "type": "My API Client",
                    "identifier": ""
        "overrideBlocklist": true

    Example response

    HTTP 201 Created
        "certificateInformations": [
                "id": "9ce02b90-bd12-11eb-9a4b-8557324bec2b",
                "managedCertificateId": "4b0928f0-bd10-11eb-bb06-01f995b63ae3",
                "companyId": "11447611-28f5-11eb-b879-87373a818312",
                "fingerprint": "E63129B8BA38D4D22FEF303E8AF1A40A33744C8B",
                "base64Certificate": "MIIEKDCCAxCgAwIBAgIUG3HJ035+GV3SOlO5IcbFtmggl/YwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL...",
                "issuerCertificateIds": [],
                "certificateSource": "USER_IMPORTED",
                "apiClientInformation": {
                    "type": "My API Client",
                    "identifier": ""
        "statistics": {
            "ignored": 0,
            "imported": 1,
            "failed": 0,
            "existed": 0