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About API search operators

As part of a search expression, operators filter data on a certificatesearch, certificateinstancesearch, or managedcertificatesearch.

You can find certificates or certificate instance information more quickly by using the appropriate expression operator in the JSON body.

Example expression operator that appears in a JSON body

  "expression": {
    "operands": [
        "field": "sslProtocols",
        "operator": "FIND"
  },    ...
The following table shows the set of operators for filtering data. You can use the examples in this table in the JSON body of the certificatesearch or certificateinstancesearch API calls. To search for certificates, enclose parameters in quotes unless otherwise specified.

Operator Name Description and Usage
EQ Equal operator The search result is equal to the specified value. Valid for numeric or Boolean fields. For example, to find certificates that are not self-signed, specify "field": "selfSigned", "operator": "EQ", "value": false.
FIND Find operator The search result is based on the value of all or part of one or more strings. You can also use Regular Expressions (regex). For example, to find certificates that use any version of Transport Layer Security, specify "field": "sslProtocols", "operator": "FIND", "value":"TLS".
GT Greater than relational operator The search result has a higher numeric value than the specified value. For example, to find certificates that are valid for a period that is longer than ten days, specify "field": "validityPeriodDays", "operator": "GT", "value": 10.
GTE Greater than or equal to relational operator The search result is equal or has a higher numeric value than the specified value. For example, to find certificates that are valid for a period of ten or more days, specify "field": "validityPeriodDays", "operator": "GTE", "value": 10.
IN In clause The search result matches one of the supplied list of parameters. Valid for string fields. Use a JSON array to specify multiple values. For example, to find certificates issued by either of two specific Certificate Authorities (CAs), specify "field": "issuerCN", "operator": "IN", "values": ["CA1", "CA2"].
LT Less Than relational operator The search result has a lower value than the specified value. For example, to find certificates that are valid for a period that is less than ten days, specify "field": "validityPeriodDays", "operator": "LT", "value": 10.
LTE Less than or equal to relational operator The search result is equal or less than the specified value. For example, to find certificates that are valid for a period of ten days or less, specify "field": "validityPeriodDays", "operator": "LTE", "value": 10.
MATCH Match operator The search result includes a string value from the supplied list. You can also use regex for your search.
  • To match one property, specify value and a string in quotes. For example, "field": "cipherSuitesSecurityStatus", "operator": "MATCH", "value": "DEPRECATED".
  • To match multiple properties, specify values and an array of comma separated strings in quotes. For example, "field": "cipherSuitesSecurityStatus", "operator": "MATCH", "values": ["DEPRECATED", "UNKNOWN"].